Goodbye you handsome boy…


It’s with the heaviest of hearts that we had to say goodbye to Norman yesterday. Bone cancer took him too soon. The two years we had simply weren’t enough. It took two dogs to fill Caesar’s place. It took a Dane to fill Jimmy’s. I don’t know how to fill this gaping hole now.

This dog, though only in our lives for too short a time was so fancy.

He would greet us with stuffed animals. He was big enough and fast enough to catch Gracie, which she didn’t like. He would come and check in on me when I was working from home. He was so good off leash.

He just had a presence, and yes size had to do with it. The house is so quiet and and empty without him.

I know the fostering will kick into high gear knowing a failure is right around the corner.

My dear friend Joanie nailed it. It hurts so much when these fur babies leave us because there’s just so much love there.

Say hi to Caesar and Jimmy for us big man. xoxo

posted under Misc, Other pets/animals

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